CourtCall Online: Appearances Help
Appearances Help
Please note: Deadlines can vary for scheduling CourtCall Appearances. If the date you require is unavailable online, you may still be able to schedule it by calling us at (888) 882-6878. Do not wait until the last minute to call us as Courts have a variety of deadlines!
Q. How do I schedule a CourtCall Appearance?
A. Click 'Schedule a New Appearance' and you will be taken to the scheduling page. Please read the information at the top of the page before proceeding.
Q. What is a 'Service Copy'?
A. A 'Service Copy' is the same as a 'Request For Telephonic Appearance' form. You may use it as part of your Proof of Service or you may fax the completed form to us if you do not wish to confirm the appearance online or by calling us. This document is available for you to print for your records at any time.
Q. Can I fax/email the Service Copy directly to opposing counsel from this site?
A. CourtCall accepts no responsibility for documents sent to third parties, therefore, you are advised to serve your documents by fax separately.
Q. Should I send a copy of my Confirmation to opposing counsel?
A. No, that is what the Service Copy is for. Your Confirmation is for your own personal use and the information should not be shared with other parties.
Q. How do I cancel a confirmed appearance?
A. Click the MENU button to the right of the appearance and select 'Cancel Appearance' from the drop down menu. Follow the prompts to cancel your telephonic appearance. Note that this does not affect the status of your actual appearance and this action is not reflected in the Court's records. CourtCall does not set or change the Court's calendar.
Q. I just scheduled a CourtCall Appearance and found out that the date has been changed, how do I continue my confirmed CourtCall Appearance?
A. Click the MENU button to the right of your appearance. If a 'Continue' link is showing next to your confirmed CourtCall Appearance, you may be able to move it to the new date by following the prompts, providing the new date/time/proceeding is available for the specified Judge. If no 'Continue' link is showing next to your confirmed CourtCall Appearance and the date has not yet passed, call us at (888) 882-6878 prior to the original appearance date. We will re-schedule the CourtCall Appearance at no additional charge and send you a new Confirmation. Remember that you will need to schedule a new CourtCall Appearance for matters continued after or at the time of the hearing as there will be a new fee for the continued date.
Q. What is the CourtCall ID number for?
A. It is simply to identify your CourtCall Appearance; please have it available when contacting our office.
Q. What is 'Payment Detail'?
A. Clicking this link on the dropdown menu will show you payment information relating to the CourtCall Appearance. You can also see Payment Detail by clicking on the fee amount in the Fee column of your My Appearances list.
Q. Why are there unconfirmed appearances in my list that I did not request?
A. From time to time, we may send you a courtesy notice of an upcoming appearance, based on information gathered from Court records. You may ignore these notices if you wish or, if you would like to confirm the CourtCall Appearance you may do so by clicking 'Confirm' or by calling us at (888) 882-6878.
Q. There is an unconfirmed appearance in my appearances list that I do not recognize as being my case, what should I do?
A. You may have received the notice in error. Once you verify that you have no involvement in the matter, please disregard the information.
Q. Can I remove a CourtCall Appearance from the list?
A. No, once an appearance record is created, it remains in the list regardless of the status.
Q. If I cancel my CourtCall Appearance accidentally, how do I re-confirm it?
A. Click the MENU button to the right of the appearance, then click the 'Reinstate' link to reinstate a canceled CourtCall Appearance as long as it is not past the deadline for online scheduling and has not already been refunded. Call us at (888) 882-6878 if you cannot do it online as we may be able to assist you.
Q. I want to cancel one of my CourtCall Appearances and use the fee to pay for a different appearance.
A. Fees are non-transferable. You will need to cancel your original CourtCall Appearance and schedule another CourtCall Appearance for the new case.
Q. Where do I find my number to call into the conference?
A. Information about making the actual CourtCall Appearance, including the conference number is contained within the Confirmation. You are strongly advised to print a copy and carefully review the information for accuracy, several days prior to your appearance. If any information is incorrect you must call us immediately at (888) 882-6878. Errors found at the time of the hearing may result in a missed appearance!
Q. Should I file anything with the Court in connection with my CourtCall Appearance?
A. You need not file the CourtCall Request Form or Confirmation with the Court however, you must comply with all State and local rules of Court which, in some cases, requires you to file a separate notice or otherwise notify the Court of your desire to make a telephonic appearance. Visit the appropriate Court websites for specific rules. From time to time CourtCall may offer some information relating to specific departments' requirements, refer to the CourtCall Service Copy and/or Confirmation for any special instructions.
Q. When I try to view a Service Copy or a Confirmation, nothing happens, why?
A. If you do not have it already, you will need to download Adobe Reader in order to view and print your documents. A link is provided for your convenience. You must also enable pop-ups on your browser when using our website.